Deep Adaptation

“But he says deep adaptation is different: It looks for ways to mitigate the damage of that collapse. “The discussion I’m inviting is about collective responses to reduce harm,” he says, “rather than how a few people could tough it out to survive longer than others.””

~ New Climate Debate: How to Adapt to the End of the World by Christopher Flavelle (clearnet)

Deep adaptation from a Lunarpunk perspective isn't preparing for the end of the world and simply reducing harm along the way. It's more a recognition that we caused this through our capitalistic systems, a movement towards reconciliation with each other, and a movement towards repairing and coming into balance with the planet we've caused so much harm to. This isn't the end of the world, only the end of a materialistic and greedy culture.

We have the tools today to shift our fate from one of suffering and extinction to one of healing and growth. The Solarpunk and Lunarpunk movements prove that it’s possible, that people are imagining, planning, and designing a new way forward. We can write a new beginning for our species instead of listening to the narrators of our current story that have already lost hope. It’s time to start putting into action what we know to be possible and build a bright future for ourselves and our planet.

Black & White Earth GIF.