A Lunarpunk Manifesto

I will be the lunarpunk that corrects your colonized history. That boldly speaks many languages. That knows the names of the constellations and where the north star calls home. The one that rescues tattered tomes, discarded plants, and forgotten pets. The one that knits with every color of the rainbow. That grows their own food in spite of your regulations. The one that never stops learning, never stops questioning, never stops sharing. I will protest the unjust, i will vote, and i will write. I will cook with time worn recipes and long forgotten spices. I will resurrect my past and anchor it to my present. I give up the synthetic toxins that harm our world. I recognize the rights of animals, plants, and waterways. I will respect and not appropriate other cultures. I will tread lightly upon this earth and work towards its restoration. I will work towards dismantling oppression and be a voice for academic freedom. I will uncopyright my work and contribute to citizen science. I wont be afraid to ask the big questions nor tread on anyones beliefs. I believe in the right to repair, the right to privacy & encryption, and the right to uncopyrighted heirloom seeds. I will keep my plants organic and work towards repairing the soil. I will volunteer. I will donate to my public libraries. And at night when the work is done, I will look up towards the sky in wonder. …

Now that I’ve written my lunarpunk manifesto, what’s yours?